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CASS-LING’s Linguistic Infrastructure: Resources, Platforms and Services

Wei Wang, Aijun Li and Danqing LIU


category:  Poster
Session:  6 December Session P4: Asian Languages Poster Session

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Abstract:   As China’s highest academic institution of linguistic research, the Institute of Linguistics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS-LING) has created language resources and platforms to provide varied services, which include: Contemporary Chinese Dictionary and Xinhua Dictionary with a Guinness World Record as the world’s most popular dictionary; the Dictionaries and Speech Archives of Contemporary Chinese Dialects; an online system for dictionary compilation; the Database of the Grammars of the Chinese Dialects; a benchmark Putonghua pronunciation model; a visual 3D pronunciation model for English phonetic learning; the state government’s examination and standardization of the pronunciation of characters and words.

Resume:   作为中华人民共和国语言学研究的最高学术机构,中国社会科学院语言研究所近年来搜集、整理大量语言资源,建设完成专业平台,提供以扎实学术研究为基础的社会服务。这些资源、平台、服务包括:《现代汉语词典》和《新华字典》(发行量吉尼斯世界纪录);41卷本《现代汉语方言大词典》和40册《现代汉语方言音库》;词典编撰的支撑系统;已经搜集了10种方言数据的方言语法数据库;“九州音集”方言语音数据采集和分享微信平台;在调查4000多名儿童发音基础上推出的1.5~6岁普通话儿童语音发音常模;基于1万多小时不同方言区和少数民族地区英语学习者发音材料、面向英语语音教学的可视化3D发音模型;主导普通话审音工作。


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