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Radio-browsing in support of relief and development work in rural Africa

Astik Biswas, Febe De Wet, Herman Kamper, Raghav Menon, Thomas Niesler, Armin Saeb, John Quinn, Ewald Van der westhuizen and Emre Yilmaz


category:  Poster
Session:  6 December Session P4: African Languages Poster Session

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Abstract:   In countries with well-established internet infrastructure, social media has become an accepted platform for voicing opinions. However, in some parts of Africa internet infrastructure is poorly developed, precluding the use of social media to gauge sentiment. Instead, community radio phone-in talk shows are used to voice views and concerns. Our contribution will introduce a radio browsing system that is intended to support relief and developmental programmes by the United Nations (UN). Browsing systems were developed to monitor community radio broadcasts for keywords related to specific topics such as natural disasters, disease outbreaks, or other crises.

Resume:   Wadamadda leh kaabayaasha internetka ee sida wanaagsan loo aasaasey, warbaahinta bulshada waxay noqotey meel lagu aqbalo fikradaha codadka la dhiibto. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, qeyb ka mida kaabayaasha internetka ee Afrika ayaa si liidata loo horumariyey, iyadoo la sii saadaalinaayo adeegsiga warbaahinta bulshada si loo qiyaaso dareenka. Taa badal keed waa bandhigyada wada hadalka telifoonka telefishanka bulshada ayaa loo isticmaalaa in lagu dhawaaqo aragtida iyo shirarka. Waxqabadkeena ayaa soo bandhigi doona, nidaam raadiya raadyaha oo loogu tala galey in lagu taageero gargaarka iyo barnaamijyada horumarineed ee ay bixiso Qaramada Midoobey (UN). Nidaam baadhitaan ayaa loo sameeyey si loola socdo raadyaha idaacadda bulshadaee ereyada muhiimka ah ee la xidhiidha mowduucyada gaarka ah, sida masiibooyinka dabiiciga ah, cudurada faafa ama dhibaatooyin kale.


[Paper (PDF)]  

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