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Language and Landscape: Hiking and Documenting the Chatino Language of San Juan Quiahije

Emiliana Cruz


category:  Poster
Session:  5 December Session P3: South and Central American Languages Poster Session

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Abstract:   A few remaining elder speakers of the San Juan Quiahije Chatino language (Oaxaca, Mexico) have unique command of specialized words, expressions, and grammatical features that relate to local landscapes and nature specific activities. In a moment marked by rapid decline of indigenous languages, this area of language undergoes swifter deterioration than any other. This poster displays a methodology that aids in the study of landscape specific language. Documentation and dissemination of collective knowledge alongside use of specialized place-based expressions highlights scholarly-community collaboration in indigenous language revitalization, and outlines my journey on foot with inhabitants of the San Juan Quiahije landscape.

Resume:   waC tiC chiqH qaJ ntenB tqaG xiA tyinJ noA tiC jlyoH riqC neG saA skaI naF sqwiJ neqC xqoF. LaC qaE xqanE naF, qoE neC waC ndyiH snaC ndyiE chaqF jnyaJ. NaqG nyiA qyanH chaqF tiC chiqH qaJ ntenB noK tiC jlyoH riqC naF noJ yqwiJ tiC sqneE. LoA ktyiC reC ktsanH chinqH qwanK noK qneI waG jnyaF chaqF tiC xnyiJ tyqiC ntenB noK tiC jlyoH riqC saA skaI chaqF. tyonC noE ngaJ waG noA qneI waG jnyaF qinF ranF, qneJ waG jnyaF chaqF jaA tyiI chaqF jnyaJ.


[Paper (PDF)]  

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