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Language technology for indigenous languages: Achievements and challenges

Sjur Moshagen, Lene Antonsen and Trond Trosterud


category:  Poster
Session:  5 December Session P2: European and Arctic Languages Poster Session

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Abstract:   Fifteen years of indigenous language technology development by UiT/Sámi Parliament has resulted in spelling and grammar checkers, desktop/mobile keyboards, morphological analysers, MT, speech synthesis, language learning tools and intelligent electronic dictionaries.

This was facilitated by an open source language independent infrastructure, targeted at languages with rich and complex grammar, with integration for host operating systems and apps.

The current primary challenge is integration with closed platforms where we cannot currently support user needs.

Our proposed solution is a “Manifesto for Open Language Technology”, where APIs, localisations and source code are open, while ensuring community intellectual property custodianship, engagement and commitment.

Resume:   UiT/Sámedikki 15 jagi eamiálbmot giellateknologiija barggu bohtosat leat sátne- ja grammatihkkadivvunprográmmat, boallobeavdi dihtorii ja mobiltelefovdnii, morfologalaš analysáhtorat, dihtorjorgaleapmi, hállansyntesa, giellaoahppanreaiddut ja intelligeanta digitála sátnegirjjit.

Dát lea huksejuvvon rabas gáldokoda infrastruktuvrras, mii lea heivehuvvon gielaide main lea rikkes ja kompleaksa grammatihkka – infrastruktuvra mii siskkilda geavahanlavttaid ja applikašuvnnaid.

Dál váldohástalus lea integreret prográmmaid giddejuvvon geavahanvuogádagaide, maid siste mii dál eat beasa doarjut geavaheddjiid dárbbsuid.

Min evttohus lea "Rabas giellateknologiija manifesta", mas API:t, lokaliseren ja gáldokoda leat rabas, muhto seammás giellaservodagat galget hálddašit gáldokoda intellektuealla rivttiid.


[Paper (PDF)]  

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